Regarding Thor, Part 1 – Suffering Your Fans

Bet ya didn’t see that one coming!

Moving: It's kind of like this

Moving: It’s kind of like this

The process of moving isn’t fast, easy, or convenient.  So while I have a rather excellent collection of ideas for Part 3 of the Loki series, it’s an idea that takes a great deal of research and cross referencing.  Seeing that I don’t have the time right now, I though I’d have a small conversation about something that’s been bugging me lately.

So let’s take a moment to talk about Thor.

I was reading some blog or another, when I saw someone make an accusation that Lokeans are people who mistake the character Tom Hiddleston played in the movie for the real thing.  At the time, this struck me as patronizing and disrespectful; little did I realize it was also hypocritical.  At a recent event I attended, I heard some Heathens talking about how their UPG (and the UPG of others that they knew) gave them a very different idea of Thor then most people seem to have.  Their experience, it seemed, identifies him as the kind of personality that would make you think the term “gentle giant” was invented for him.  Strong, unyielding, and warm towards those who relied on him.

So, with that in mind, let me say that if people picting Loki as a projection of Mr. Hiddleston is a problem?  I will see your bet, and raise you a Chris Hemsworth, crossed with a Michael Dorn.  You see, it gets rather obnoxious when people ask you to read the lore, then get it wrong themselves.  Yeah, Thor is depicted as someone who isn’t the smartest god in the mead hall.  You know what seems to always be forgotten?

The fact that Thor knows  he is not the smartest god in the mead hall. To put it simply, Thor is wise enough to know that he is not wise.

Thor shows sense; he has been depicted as taking a step back when prompted to do so, letting cooler heads prevail.  He is courageous, but not foolhardy; he never runs in fear, but he knows he can be out matched.  He suffers the infirmities of mortals, fights and flails againstthe weakness of age without a moment’s pause, and shows compassion to those who are weak.

It quite simple.  If you worship him as a God, he has dimensions and features.  If you consider him in a more gnostic fashion, then you need to be able to identify which part are and are not part of the archetype.  What you do not do is take the average of Marvel Comics and Commander Worf, and call it a damn day.

5 thoughts on “Regarding Thor, Part 1 – Suffering Your Fans

  1. Reblogged this on facingthefireswithin and commented:
    A good post on Thor, keeping with my most recent entry.

  2. Thank you, I seem to have found this right after I started to consider Thor.

    • Thor is a very interesting entity! I find that what many seem to identify him is, quite frankly, an insulting parody of true strength. Many people seem to confuse him with a might make right mentality. That is there, mind you…but it’s in moderation. Thor has more dimensions that a lot of Heathens give him credit for.

      In either case, thank you for reading!

  3. He does seem rather aware of his own limitations. That is what struck me in your writing, which I had only just thought to consider.

  4. erinlale says:

    I picked up on that “aware of own limits” thing too, but it’s subtle. I didn’t really notice it until I started re-reading the lore as a writer (because I’m retelling it, so, I just noticed it this year.) Reading it for devotional purposes didn’t clue me in as much as reading it as pure story did, oddly enough.

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